Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Busy, busy

I know linking videos and/or pics is generally unpopular blogging practice, but I got nuthin' but crap to do, so here goes anyway.

This is an awesome 3D vid of how HIV infects and replicates. It's pretty amazing how complicated life is at the cellular level.

This pic of the Earth and Moon as seen from Mars is really cool. Don't miss the larger version.

This is one of my newer favorite comic finds.

This is one of my older favorite comic finds. Anyone who remembers playing text adventure games will find this particular comic funny. (>> Eat me >> Self cannibalism is not the answer)

And that's all I got. Told ya I was busy. I doubt I'll be posting much for the next week or two, as finals loom. Then I got a week off (the youngsters call it Spring Breaker, or something).

And then I'm off on an adventure for an extended period... I don't want to blog about it here. But I won't be blogging anymore from April on (one person somewhere just went, "Meh.") If I start another one, I'll email it to all 3 readers.


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