Thursday, February 07, 2008

Politics 9 months out

I am now a registered Republican. It actually hurts to say that, but I had to pick a party to vote in the primary.

I was going to go Democratic, so I could vote for Obama. Then I saw that the blacks were voting for Obama, the white women were voting for Hillary, the Mormons were voting for Romney, and the Evangelicals were voting for Huckabee.

If everyone else is going to be racist and sexist and otherwise tribalist in their choices, then I can vote for the kooky libertarian racist. You disappoint me, America.

UPDATE: It turns out that the Democratic primary in Washington state is meaningless. Only the caucus matters as far as the delegate count goes. The Republicans use a mix of caucus and, ya know, voting. So assuming I wasn't going to caucus anyway, voting Republican was the only way my vote was going to make a difference.

And of course, as we all know, Ron Paul won by one vote. I made a difference!


At 8/2/08 04:45, Blogger Dave said...

stick it to the man, by voting for the man.

At 8/2/08 11:09, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, that's nothing. I converted to black so I could vote for Obama.

At 8/2/08 17:31, Blogger Dave said...

oh man, too late. didn't you hear that the white man was voting for obama too?


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