Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam executed

I make it a policy to stay away from politics and the war, but this can't go unmentioned.

Whoever you are, you fall somewhere between "He deserved it" and "Bush is the real dictator". Bet I can tell who you voted for by your answer. But that's beside the point.

If you think it's ok to execute anyone, you're happy with this one. Maybe not in how it was implemented -- the war and the particulars of the trial and all -- but if ever there was someone deservin' of a hangin', it was this buttfucker.

That doesn't mean the world is a better place. It may have been better to let him rot in jail. I don't know and you don't either. There's no way to tell how this will play out long term, but one thing's for sure: it will look really really bad in the short term.

Personally? I'm not wild about the death penalty. It definitely needs eliminated, except for the most provable of cases. But Saddam? Yeah. He can get hanged for all I care. It may be bad for America and our interests, but my conscience isn't bothered in the least.

It would be helpful if this sentiment were more widespread. It's hard to argue with this:

"The joy would have been complete if we were to see the healthy Iraq, the united Iraq, the safe Iraq," he added. "Then everybody would be jumping up and down, celebrating."

That would be the central problem, wouldn't it.


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