Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas honkies*!

To all my honkies, I bid you a wonderful yuletide holiday. Merry Christmas!

And to answer a question, Thanksgiving with presents is a close approximation of what Xmas means to my family, but it doesn't capture the full essence. As a kid, it was just like any other Christmas, minus going to church. We even had a creche, which I liked to set up.

These days I'd say it's more of a yearly family reunion, since we try to all get together harder than we do for Thanksgiving, and no one but the grandkids get presents anymore. I mean, I got a pair of slippers and a couple books, but it's obviously nothing like it used to be. I have everything I really want anyway.

But that's not to say we go deist either. My Mom and I are avoiding "mass on the beach" because we think it's lame. I imagine I'll have to be looking death squaw in the face before I turn to religion, if I ever do it. Thank god (haha) all you have to do is ask for forgiveness. Wow, what a loophole.

I find Christmas a good time to be extra nice to people. I like doing nice things. I overtip more than usual and I donate time and money here and there. Yesterday I delivered an SUV full of presents to needy families. The first two were poor, but the last one was desperate.

She's a single Mom with 4 little ones, barely speaking english. They had nothing at all in their apartment, no furniture, no toys, nothing, save a Christmas tree (which had nothing underneath it). The tree was the last thing her brother did for her before he died, leaving her in America all alone with the kids (the father was long gone). She broke down crying and hugged us and thanked god for us, her toothless grin the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. You go and do that with a dry eye and an unlumpy throat, I dare you.

At least I'm going to hell in style.

Ok, that's it from me. Merry Christmas! To all you good honkies, have a honky goodnight!

* These wishes applies to you even if you're not technically a honky. It's just a term of endearment.


At 29/12/06 15:35, Blogger Frannie Farmer said...

Ah, I knew you were a good guy under all of that gruff.


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