Sunday, April 22, 2007

I'm an asshole

I pissed off one of my friends by IM'ing him "God dude, you're like a girlfriend I can't screw" because he can't go a day without face time or calling to fill me in on his day (he kind of reminds me of Paulie Walnuts, well meaning but annoying).

Let me just lay it out nice and clear for y'all: if you don't have a vagina that you're willing to grant my penis access to on a regular basis, I don't want to talk to you everyday no matter who you are, and even then I'm probably only tangentially interested in your day to day activities.

He wrote back something all mad about how he wasn't going to call me anymore. That lasted about 4 (peaceful) days.

That makes me sort of an asshole. I prefer "impish", myself. What makes me a full blooded asshole is my immediate reaction was, "Thank god, can I get that in writing?" It's a good thing his phone is shut off.

I don't know if thoughtcrime is a sin, but I do know that I was going to hell so long ago, it doesn't matter anymore.

Perhaps another example of my assholitry is that I am sick and tired of hearing about the VT massacre. That's not to mean any disrespect to the victims/survivors, to whom I send all due respect and love. I know people who went there and I'm sure this is a hard time for them.

I've just seen all I can see about it. Another sobbing young woman on TV isn't going to bring the people back or tell us "why" (what value was there in interviews like that anyway? Besides the ratings bonanza, I mean). The media has squeezed every ounce of sympathy and story they can get out of it and frankly, I'm disgusted by their behavior.

That fuckhead claimed that the blood was on all our hands. I know this because NBC had a chance to not give Mr. Fuckhead the posthumous publicity he killed 32 people to get, and, after what was surely reasoned and idealistic debate, came down on the side of making a fuckload of money.

The blood of the victims of the next person who goes on a rampage for attention will be on NBC's hands, the same NBC that has a policy of not televising it when fans run onto the field and charge the mound so as not to -- get this -- encourage that behavior in the future. Short sighted idiots.

I'm not surprised, just indignant. Ah well. Hockey is in playoffs and the weather is turning. Life overall is good and I shouldn't get too worked up over things I can't change.

I just watched the third episode of the end of The Sopranos. Despite the title of this post, I'll refrain from discussing it on the main page. But I invite you to join me in the comments. So, like, don't read the comments unless you want to read spoilers. Man.


At 22/4/07 20:40, Blogger RWBB said...

Another snoozefest.

Tony almost got pinned on a murder charge. Tony almost whacked Paulie Walnuts. The plot almost progressed a satisfying amount.

I guess Tony was going to whack Paulie because he won't stop blabbing personal details to strangers/hookers/etc. Also he's not a top earner. But he seems to have gotten back in Tony's good graces.

What about Christopher? He was on the shit list last episode.

The New York crew, however, is at each other's throats. Phil is out of rivals now that he whacked Doc Santoro (and, of course, Doc had Phil's protege, Gerry Torciano, whacked in the last episode). And Little Carmine doesn't want to be boss. So now that Johnny Sacks is dead, that leaves Phil.

Hmph. A whole lot of stuff that almost happened and little plot development. Again. I'll keep watching of course, but the last 15 or so episodes (all of season 6) have been a let down.

At 23/4/07 07:16, Blogger Dave said...

NPR has had some story on VT every time I've had it on for the last week and a half. Even if I only have it on for my alarm clock, there's guarenteed to be a VT story in the 5 minutes I hear the alarm.

At 23/4/07 13:05, Blogger RWBB said...

NPR's treatment has been respectful and restrained compared to the news networks.


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