Friday, March 10, 2006

Water on Enceladus1

Cassini spots water geysers


The surprising images from the moon Enceladus represent some of the most dramatic evidence yet that water in liquid form may be present beyond the Earth.

Excited by the discovery, some scientists said Enceladus should be added to the short list of places within the solar system most likely to have extraterrestrial life.


Very cool. This reminds me of a huge post I started writing about the quandry of Iapetus2 that I never finished. Iapetus is without question (to me anyway) the single biggest mystery in the solar system, which is probably why Arthur C. Clarke used it as the original site of the interdimensional gateway in his book 2001 (a few things got changed for the movie and subsequent books). It's so bizarre that conspiracy theorists go nuts with the possibilities. I don't mean to overstate the case, but if there's anywhere to look for evidence of advanced alien civilizations, Iapetus would be the first place to look (aside from perhaps Mars).

Maybe I should finish that post.

1 That's a moon of Saturn, genius
2 Didn't you take Astronomy?


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